What to Consider When Choosing a Commercial HVAC System

Searching for a new HVAC system can be daunting, especially if you do not know where to start. With so many different makes and models on the market, how do you choose the right one for your business? Below, we will explore some of the factors you should consider when choosing a new commercial HVAC in Martinez, GA.

1. Size of Your Space

The first thing you need to consider is the size of your space. HVAC systems are not one-size-fits-all; you need to make sure the system you pick is the right size to heat or cool your designated area. If your system is too small, it will have to work overtime to keep up with demand and will likely break down more often. A professional technician will perform a load calculation to help determine the best size for the space.

2. Efficiency

Another important factor to consider is efficiency. When it comes to commercial HVAC systems, there are two types of efficiency: operational and energy. Operational efficiency refers to how well the system can maintain the desired temperature in your space.

Ideally, you want a system that is both operationally and energy efficient. If you want an energy-efficient unit, look for one with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and Energy Efficiency Ratio. These ratings will give you an idea of how much energy the unit uses compared to other models on the market.

3. Cost

Of course, the cost is always a factor to consider when making any major purchase. HVAC systems vary widely in price, so it is important to set a budget before you start shopping around. Once you know how much you are willing to spend, you can narrow your options and choose a system that fits your needs and budget.

Keep in mind that the initial cost of the unit is not the only expense you will incur. You will also need to factor in installation (usually included along with the price of the unit), maintenance, and repair costs. These factors are important when deciding which commercial HVAC system is right for you.

4. Maintenance and Repair

As with any major purchase, you will need to factor in the cost of maintenance and repairs when choosing an HVAC system. Over time, all HVAC systems will require some maintenance and repair. Choose a system from a reputable manufacturer that offers a good warranty.

Also, consider the location of the unit when making your decision. If it is difficult to access, performing necessary maintenance tasks will be more expensive and time-consuming.

5. Climate

In addition, you need to consider the climate in your area when choosing an HVAC system. The type of system you need will vary depending on whether you live in a very hot or very cold climate.

6. Noise Levels

You also need to consider the noise levels of the unit. Some units can be a bit noisy, while others are much quieter. If your business is in a busy area, you will want to choose a unit that produces minimal noise.

7. Features and Performance

You may also want to consider the unit’s features and performance. Some units have additional features, such as a built-in humidifier or air purifier. These features can improve the air quality in your space and make it more comfortable for your employees and customers.

You will also want to consider the unit’s performance. Look for a unit meant for commercial use. These units are usually more durable and have higher capacity than residential units.

Contact Doc Savage for HVAC repair, installation and maintenance. We can help you choose the right commercial HVAC system for your business.

Image provided by iStock

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