3 Signs of Dirty Ductwork in Augusta, GA

How many times have you thought about the cleanliness of your ductwork in Augusta, GA? It’s one of those maintenance tasks that a lot of homeowners put off for far too long or often don’t even think about. Here are the top three signs of dirty ductwork.

Pests or Rodents

Animals or insects of any kind living in your ductwork is a clear sign that something is going on. If they can gain access anywhere or somehow chew their way in, they will nest and leave bacteria and waste behind. That’s contamination that you don’t want to breathe in.

One of our ductwork professionals will do a thorough inspection if you have a rodent problem to determine if air duct cleaning in Augusta, GA will be enough to fix the problem or if you have something more serious to deal with.


Dust throughout your home’s surfaces despite regular cleaning is another indication that you may need air duct cleaning. Of course, you can expect some dirt and dander, but if the dust layer is always present, it’s a sign that the material is coming out of your ductwork and needs cleaning.

Increased Energy Costs

Lastly, the air ducts circulate heated and cooled air through your home. If the ducts are dirty, it disrupts the airflow and requires the HVAC equipment to work harder to keep you comfortable. So, if your bills are rising for no apparent reason, have your air ducts looked at and cleaned as soon as possible. It’s also possible that there are leaks in your ductwork causing increased energy costs.

The moral of the story is that you shouldn’t avoid getting your ductwork at least inspected, if not completely cleaned out, in Augusta, GA. Our expert ductwork technicians from Doc Savage Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. are qualified and prepared to tackle the HVAC service job. Reach out today to set up an appointment for ductwork cleaning.

Image provided by iStock

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