Advantages and Disadvantages of a Heat Pump

There are so many different heating systems available on the market today that people often are not sure what type is the best for them. With rising heating costs, more and more people are looking for the most energy and cost efficient systems. Heat pumps are becoming more and more popular because for this very reason.

Buying A Heat Pump

When it comes to buying a heat pump for the home, the best is to have a working knowledge of what a heat pump is and the advantages and disadvantages of using one.  Heat pumps are very effective for functioning as both a furnace and an air conditioner.

What you get is two appliances in one, with air conditioning in summer and heating in winter. In summer heat pumps will take the hot air from your home, and when it gets cold the whole process simply reverses. Heat pumps have become the most common way to get cool air in summer and heating in winter in the USA for those states where the climate is temperate.

Advantages Of A Heat Pump

For heating the home, heat pumps are definitely one of the most efficient systems available. Heating your home this way means lower power bills as you are saving energy. Heating through furnaces brings a ‘dry air feel’ to the home, so people use humidifiers to correct this.

With electric heat pumps you do not need a humidifier. Heat pumps also run far quieter than other heating systems because the compressor is placed outside of the home or building. Some people find the cost both an advantage and disadvantage with a heat pump. It depends how you look at it, as the huge savings on energy and bills counter-balance the price.

Geothermal heat pumps are high priced, but also bring the biggest savings. The fuel and electricity efficiency is the biggest advantage of heat pumps. The heating is not produced through fossil fuels or electricity, thus making this system eco-friendly as well as cost saving. Heat pumps are most suited to temperate climates as below freezing temperatures can bring disadvantages.

Disadvantages Of A Heat Pump

For a large percentage of people the initial cash outlay is a great disadvantage as it is expensive when you have to purchase and install heat pumps for the first time. Over time though, the cost-savings it brings will even out the initial expense. In intemperate regions of the USA where winter temperatures go below freezing point regularly, this form of heating can bring another initial cash outlay that makes it very expensive. You will have to look into getting a second heat pump as a back-up to be able to bring heating to the entire home or building.


A heat pump has many advantages and a few disadvantages that people have to both consider and weigh up when looking into this form of heating. You should do a cost-projection to see how the initial cash outlay balances out over a time period, and to understand that disadvantages can be turned into advantages and whether this form of heating is the right one for you.

Heat Pumps Augusta

Heating and Air Service Augusta

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