Peace of Mind With Doc’s Comfort Agreement

Regular heating and cooling maintenance is a practice that can save you money, plus many headaches during the life of your equipment. It’s one of your best bets for making sure your Augusta area HVAC system will be up to the task it’s called upon to perform in winter and summer: keeping you comfortable. The U.S. Dept. of Energy’s ENERGY STAR website recommends pre-season checkups in spring and fall to keep your system operating at peak efficiency.

Double the Impact of Regular Maintenance with Doc’s Comfort Agreement

If regular system maintenance is a great insurance policy for keeping your system running smoothly, a maintenance agreement like Doc’s Comfort Agreement is even more valuable. Not only does its twice-a-year system tune-up bring you the peace of mind of knowing your equipment is getting the care it needs, but it offers additional benefits that make it a worthwhile investment in your HVAC equipment:

  • Discount of up to 15 percent on any needed repairs
  • Priority status among Doc Savage Heating And Air Conditioning, Inc. customers
  • Inclusion of six (6) air filters per HVAC system
  • Two-year warranty on any required repairs (excluding adding R-22)
  • Waiving of any overtime diagnostic charge that might normally accrue
  • Transferability to new homeowner or home
  • Written report outlining the condition of your heating or AC system

Maximize the Peace of Mind of Regular Heating & Cooling Maintenance

If simply giving your HVAC system the extra TLC of regular heating and AC tune-ups brings you peace of mind just knowing your equipment is being well taken care of, imagine how much greater peace of mind you’ll enjoy by adding the extra benefits listed above to the regular heating and cooling maintenance equation. Discover the value of Doc’s Comfort Agreement for yourself. Call to learn why it’s one of the best maintenance agreements out there.

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