3 Benefits of Controlling Home Humidity in Hephzibah, GA

Some homeowners in Hephzibah, GA tend to focus on the humidity outdoors and not on humidity levels inside the house. But experts say that homeowners should pay attention to the humidity level and, moreover, do what they can to keep it somewhere between 30% and 50%; this is especially true in spring and summer. Here are three benefits that homeowners can reap if they control their home humidity during the summer.

1. Prevents Illness

Half a million people in the world die from the flu every year, so it’s good to know that the influenza virus cannot survive as well when home humidity levels range between 40% and 70%. Dip below 30%, and you become especially vulnerable to this virus.

Having a balanced humidity level also prevents the growth of certain biological contaminants. These contaminants can cause respiratory illnesses. If the lungs get infected, you may develop emphysema or tuberculosis.

2. Doesn’t Aggravate Asthma and Allergies

Besides preventing illnesses, good indoor humidity levels will put any asthma or allergy sufferers at ease. Again, we have to point out that high humidity can invite air particulates as well as dust mites and other asthma and allergy triggers. If you need help addressing these issues, know that we offer a range of indoor air quality services.

3. Provides for Greater Indoor Comfort

High humidity can create a stuffy atmosphere and make it feel like the temperature is higher than it actually is. That feeling may force homeowners to lower the thermostat even more in summer, which translates to longer AC operation and a higher bill. Low humidity, on the other hand, leads to dry skin, sore throat and a weakening of wooden structures.

Hire Our NATE-Certified Technicians

Doc Savage Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. has a team of technicians who can provide the right repairs to get you the cool air and balanced humidity levels you need in Hephzibah, GA, so call today. We boast EPA certification. and we also guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.

Image provided by iStock

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