3 Signs Your Heating Needs Repairs

Without repairs, even a small problem with your heater could get worse and stop heating your Augusta, Georgia, home. Your indoor air quality could decrease, and you could waste energy or need to replace your HVAC system. When our professionals check your heater at least once per year, issues can be fixed by a professional before they become severe. You should also have your HVAC system inspected if you notice strange noises, a yellow pilot light, or high utility bills.

Strange Noises

Your heating system should be relatively quiet, and an unusual noise could be a sign of a serious problem. Listen for loud pops, grinding, or banging noises. A screw could be loose, or extensive repairs may be needed. If insects or animals are in your ductwork, you might hear buzzing, flapping, or scurrying sounds.

A Yellow Pilot Light

The pilot light for furnaces should be blue. If your pilot light is a different color, especially yellow, you could have poor ventilation that causes carbon monoxide to accumulate in your home. The mixture of air and gas in your furnace could also be out of balance. Without enough air, the gas produces more carbon monoxide. If you see a yellow pilot light, turn off your furnace and have it checked by a professional before you use it again.

High Utility Bills

High utility bills could indicate the air filter is dirty, and causing the heater to work harder. You should change your air filter at least every three months to save energy and keep your indoor air quality high. The home may also have poor insulation, leaky ductwork, or poor airflow from a clogged duct. If your bills don’t go down, have your system checked by a professional.

Doc Savage Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. has more than 30 years of heating and cooling experience. We can help you install, maintain, and repair a variety of HVAC equipment. Call us anytime at 706-426-9262 to make sure your heater is in great shape.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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