4 Areas Where Your Home in Harlem, GA Loses Most Heat

When heat escapes from your home in Harlem, GA, it doesn’t just make the inside temperature uncomfortable; it also makes your home less sustainable. It’s essential to be aware of the areas where heat is escaping so you can make changes to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Here are four areas where heat escapes from your home.

1. Cracks in Walls

Cracks in your home’s exterior walls are one of the most common places for heat to escape. These cracks can result from poor settling, temperature changes or wear and tear. If you have gaps in your walls, seal them so that heat doesn’t escape and affect your indoor air quality.

2. Gaps Around Doors and Windows

Heat can escape through the gaps if you don’t seal your windows and doors. This is common in older homes where the sealant may deteriorate over time. You can improve the seal around your doors and windows by caulking or weatherstripping them.

3. Poor Insulation

Insulation seals in heat and prevents it from escaping your home. If your insulation is old or damaged, it may not be doing its job correctly. You should check your insulation regularly to ensure it’s in good condition and replace it if necessary.

4. Ceilings

As hot air rises, it can escape through the ceiling and into your attic. If you don’t have enough insulation, heat will escape through the ceiling, making your home less comfortable. Always check your attic’s insulation to ensure it’s adequate and that no heat is escaping.

Heat loss is one of the main ways your home becomes less sustainable. If heat escaping from your home concerns you, contact Doc Savage for air conditioning repair and heating services. We can help you determine where heat is escaping and recommend steps to take to improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Image provided by iStock

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