Indoor air quality is a big deal for homeowners in Aiken, SC. However, there are some common bad habits that might harm your indoor air quality. Here are four bad habits that will damage your home’s air quality.
1. Neglecting HVAC Maintenance
Your home’s HVAC system circulates air in and out of every room when it’s running. So, if you neglect your HVAC system’s maintenance needs, you’re asking for air quality trouble. Keeping on top of regular maintenance tasks, like changing filters and scheduling regular service visits, will help avoid trouble.
2. Spreading Volatile Organic Compounds
Although you may not know it, the variety of aerosol sprays you routinely use can lower indoor air quality. You should use hair sprays, spray paints, cleaning products, and other aerosols sparingly and with ample ventilation. Alternately, you might wish to add a ventilation system to your home’s HVAC to do the job for you.
3. Smoking Tobacco Products Indoors
If you smoke cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe indoors, it will impact your home’s air quality. Standard HVAC filters can’t remove smoke from the air, leaving it circulating throughout your home. You should smoke outside or install an air cleaner built to deal with smoke and other pollutants.
4. Neglecting Pet Grooming
A pet makes a wonderful addition to your family but is often detrimental to your indoor air quality. The problem lies most often in neglecting to groom your pet as often as you should. By keeping your pet clean and brushed, you can keep its fur and dander out of your home’s air.
If you can manage to break the four habits above, you’ll improve the air quality in your Aiken, SC home. If that’s not enough and you need more help, though, we have the perfect answer. Contact us at Doc Savage Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. for indoor air quality solutions for your home.
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