A Few Simple Tips to Help You Deal With Pollen Season

When spring is in the air that means pollen is too. The beautiful flowers and trees bursting out in full bloom means that many people’s allergies will be blossoming as well. Springtime, that oh so colorful, vibrant, lively time of year can bring misery to many. But there are ways to deal with the pollen and alleviate some of that misery.

The first step to dealing with the pollen season is to avoid going out during the peak pollen hours. Pollen counts tend to usually peak during the morning hours. Pollen count is also usually higher during dry, windy days. It is best to go outdoors later in the afternoon or the evening after the pollen count has subsided a bit. However, if you must go out early, then you could wear a dust mask or handkerchief over your mouth and nose.

Another way to help avoid pollen allergens is to make sure and keep the doors and windows of your home closed. Also make sure to wipe your feet thoroughly before coming into the house. You would be amazed at how much pollen gets tracked into the house. Vacuum frequently to get rid of pollen in your carpet, and change your vacuum cleaner bags more often to avoid redistribution. And sweep, mop and dust more to get rid of the pollen on the floors and furniture.

Washing your pets frequently can alleviate a lot of pollen from entering your home too. Pets carry pollen in on their coat which gets into your carpet, on your furniture and into you air conditioning filters which then gets re-circulated throughout the entire house.

Change your air conditioner filters more often. Since pollen gets pulled up into the return ducts and stuck in the filters, it is extremely important to change the filters to keep the allergens from getting in your system’s ductwork and then recalculating.

One other way to keep pollen at bay is to keep your porches and your carport hosed off. This will help to keep those pesky little particles from getting tracked into the house.

Pollen can be aggravating, especially to some, but it doesn’t last forever and there are ways to help keep it under control. Following these few simple tips will help you to deal with the pollen season and make your life more bearable during this time of year.

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