Before you are able to carry out any sort of AC-Heating Repair, you need to know how an air conditioning system actually works. The first component is the compressor. What this does is to compress the low pressure refrigerant gas into high pressure gas at a high temperature. This is generally the part of the air conditioner that is outside of your home. In general terms the compressor is a high pressure pump that is driven using an electric motor.
The next component of the air conditioner is the condenser, otherwise known as the condensing unit. It usually has a condensing coil on the inside. The high pressure, high temperature refrigerant gas flows through this and a fan blows air. This cools the refrigerant gas back to a liquid state. The unit is a coil made up of finned tubing and the air blows across this coil. The condenser also sits outside of your home alongside the compressor. Because the change of the refrigerant from hot pressure gas to a liquid produces heat as well as the heat collected from the inside of the house, this is then forced outdoors.
The next component of the air conditioning system is a metering device. This dispenses the liquid refrigerant in the evaporator coil. The device may just be a thin piece of tubing, but in some cases it may be a TEV (thermostatic expansion valve). These include a temperature sensing control, which is able to open and shut the device against the flow of refrigerant.
To carry out an AC-Heating Repair you also need to know about the evaporator coil, otherwise known as the cooling coil. An evaporator coil or cooling coil is an area of finned tubing (it looks a lot like a car radiator) into which aqueous refrigerant is metered and turns from aqueous to gas. This change of the refrigerant, from aqueous to gas, absorbs heat, cooling the evaporator coil, and then cooling calm air goes around the cooling coil. Usually the cooling coil is central to the air handler.
The next component is the air handler and blower unit. This assemblage provides a fan to draft air beyond or through the evaporator coil. The air abettor blower fan assemblage moves air beyond the evaporator coil and adjusts the action by cooling it (and additionally removes the damp from the cooled air).
The duct system is another component of the air conditioning unit that you need to know about before you think about AC-Heating repair. It distributes the air that has previously been conditioned from the handler to the occupied space, then it takes the air from the occupied space and returns it to the air handler.
The last component of the air conditioner you need to know about are the controls and the features. These can include the electrical switches, the room thermostat, the circuit breakers and the fuses, the air filters, and the condensate handling system. Once you know about these different components, you will have some chance of understanding what needs to be done for an AC-Heating repair.