Saving Energy While Keeping Your Home Cool

Many homeowners usually breathe a sigh of relief once winter says farewell and spring finally makes its presence known.

Many homeowners usually breathe a sigh of relief once winter says farewell and spring finally makes its presence known. One of the reasons that many resent winter, aside from the dread of their homes taking a battering from the snow storms and other consequences of cold weather, is that energy costs skyrocket in order to keep homes warm and comfortable.

However, come warmer months, energy costs also increase since air conditioners are turned on several hours a day to battle soaring temperatures and the discomforts heat brings about. Fortunately, the cost of staying comfortably cool need not be high.
  • Before anything else, choose a unit that uses just the right amount of energy to cool the room.
  • Close doors and windows and make sure there is shade from the outside to leave direct sunlight out and keep excess heat away.
  • Switch off other sources of heat that you do not need. Not only does this reduce the heating load, you’ll be be cutting down the energy consumption of other appliances and not just your AC’s.
  • Only run your unit when you are in the room and when you really need to. Programming switch-on times according to your personal usage profile can help.

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