Thousands of Money Paid to Keep Air Conditioners Running

The Los Angeles Unified has, reportedly, paid almost $250,000 last month to keep their aging air condition units running in all of its campuses. There were around 170 ac repair workers who collected $246,000 two weeks before classes are to resume and students started coming back to the campus.

Based on the amount paid by Los Angeles Unified and the $60 per hour wage of ac repair people, it equates to 4,100 hours of work completed.  This was more than what was paid in the first three weeks of school year 2012-2013 when temperatures became so overwhelming for air conditioners to handle that school officials declared a state of emergency.

The said problem was aggravated since Los Angeles Unified changed its school calendar for 2012-2013 by shortening summer break. Thus, giving ac repair experts little time to fix equipment aged two decades.

On the brighter side, director for maintenance and operations, Roger Finstad said the campus is faring better this year with temperatures being fairer than last academic year.

Click here to read the full version of the news story.

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