Because of the importance of your HVAC system in Augusta, GA, you have been taking all reasonable steps to maintain your equipment as recommended. This may include replacing the air filters frequently and booking annual maintenance service with one of our technicians. However, the reasons listed here might explain why your AC system may not be functioning well despite your best efforts to keep it properly maintained.
The Thermostat Needs to Be Replaced
One of the more common reasons why an HVAC system is unable to maintain a comfortable temperature in a home is because of thermostat issues. A quick battery replacement could resolve the problem, or you may need to replace your outdated thermostat with a new model.
The Air Ducts Are Damaged or Dirty
The heated or cooled air that your central HVAC system generates must pass through ducts to reach your rooms. Damaged air ducts can leak air, and dirty ducts can block airflow. Both of these issues can result in reduced efficiency and require professional attention.
Your Equipment Requires Repairs
Regular HVAC maintenance can dramatically reduce the likelihood of a breakdown, but the many functional components in your system will eventually wear out. If your equipment has stopped working, is making unusual sounds, or is showing other signs of distress, you should set up an HVAC repair appointment with one of our technicians as soon as possible.
Your HVAC System Has Reached the End of Its Life
Depending on the type of HVAC system in your home, how heavily it has been used, and how well it has been maintained, your equipment may need to be replaced after approximately 12 to 15 years. Or you might decide to replace your system after 10 years to take advantage of the benefits of a more energy efficient unit. During your next service appointment, our technicians will advise you about the benefits of repairing versus replacing your HVAC system.
Doc Savage is your trusted source for fast, reliable AC repair, maintenance and new installation service. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our techs.
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