The circuit breaker for your heat pump is engineered to cut the power when the equipment uses too much electricity. Here are some of the most common problems that cause the safety device to switch off the overloaded electrical line.
Lack of Maintenance
All-season heat pumps work overtime to keep your home in the Augusta, GA, region cool during the summer and warm all winter long. That kind of continual operation can take a toll on the equipment. Something as simple as a dirty air filter can force the heat pump’s blower to overheat and trigger the circuit breaker. Changing the air filter when it looks dirty lets you avoid many costly repairs.
Scheduling regular maintenance with a qualified HVAC contractor helps to safeguard your comfort year-round. It can also save you money. Proactive care optimizes efficiency, lowering your heating and cooling expenses by up to 25%.
Failing Compressor
The muscle of your HVAC system, the compressor is responsible for pressurizing the refrigerant that circulates through your heat pump. When a compressor is going bad and begins to malfunction, it often draws in too much electricity on start-up, which can cause the circuit breaker to trip. Compressors are expensive, so if you suspect this might be the problem, schedule service as soon as possible. Taking prompt action may save you the expense of replacing this pricey component.
Faulty Wiring
If a professional inspection reveals that the heat pump isn’t drawing in too much electricity, the wiring between the breaker and the equipment might be the culprit. Exposure to extreme temperatures and harsh weather can cause wiring to fray or erode. Loose electrical connections can have the same effect, causing the heat pump to short circuit. An experienced HVAC professional can troubleshoot the system to identify the root cause of the problem.
Since 1977, the team at Doc Savage Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. has kept heat pumps throughout the Augusta, GA, area running smoothly year-round. You can trust our certified HVAC technicians to provide the top-quality heat pump services you need to stay comfortable indoors in every season.