Having Your Duct System Cleaned Can Make a Healthier Home

With the summer heat in full swing, air conditioners are running full time in our Augusta, Georgia, homes. However, while air conditioners provide cool air to help keep us comfortable, that air may not be as healthy as we would think. Because of modern, air-tight homes, we are not getting much fresh air into our living space, and we rely on our air conditioners to run cool, clean air. If you find yourself or your family sneezing, coughing, or feeling stuffy, then it may be time to have your HVAC’s ductwork professionally cleaned for a healthier home.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Dust, dirt, pet dander, and particulates of air pollution can build up on the HVAC’s ducting system. Over time, this grime will be recirculated throughout the home blowing dust and dirt over your furniture, clothing, electronics, kids’ toys, kitchen appliances, and items that you use every day. Not only will your indoor air quality be reduced, you will have to spend extra time cleaning your house.

When a professional HVAC technician cleans your ducting, the build-up of gunk will be removed. Your system will then be blowing clean air throughout your rooms, resulting in a cleaner and healthier home. Investing in a maintenance plan will inspire you to have regular servicing to help keep your home healthy.

Save on Energy Bills

Not only will your home be healthier with clean ductwork, but it will also stay cool more easily. When the system is dirty, it has to work very hard to push the air through clogged-up ducting and filters. When it has to work overtime, it uses more and more energy to cool your home. Having a professional clean your ductwork will keep your HVAC running longer and more efficiently, resulting in reduced energy and repair bills.

If you would like to ensure that your home’s indoor air quality is in excellent shape for a healthier home, then please call Doc Savage Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. today, at 706-426-9262 for professional ductwork cleaning.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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