Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality This Fall

While allergies run rampant during summer, fall isn’t much better. Warm temperatures remain in the Augusta, Georgia, area far longer than most other places in the country, causing allergens to linger longer. In addition, the eventual fall cool down results in drier air in the home. With the lack of humidity, you’re more susceptible to colds, nosebleeds, and other unsavory situations. Fortunately, you can still remedy the problem. To improve indoor air quality this fall, take a proactive approach to eliminating allergens and maintaining the ideal relative humidity.

Keep Humidity at the Right Level

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor relative humidity should never rise above 60 percent, and if possible, should be between 30 and 50 percent throughout the year. Because humidity tends to drop off in late fall, you need a way to retain moisture in your home. That’s when a humidifier comes in handy. This device pumps moisture into the air, improving breathability and limiting your chance for ailments.

Install an Air Cleaner

Your furnace and air conditioner do a decent job at trapping dust in the air filter, but it isn’t foolproof, especially when either unit is working at full capacity. Fortunately, an air cleaner like the Trane CleanEffect Air Cleaner can take care of the rest. Using revolutionary Trane technology, this air cleaner removes up to 99.98 percent of airborne particles. The result is clean, breathable air without worrying about allergens, pet dander, viruses, or bacteria.

Get a Tuneup

In a perfect world, your HVAC system would run forever without any maintenance. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. However, a tuneup does a world of wonders for your furnace and air conditioner. Tuneups improve performance, saving you money on energy bills. Plus, when we install a new air filter, harmful dust particles that cause illnesses get trapped.

Improving indoor air quality in your home can seem like a daunting task, but armed with these tips, you shouldn’t have a problem. If you decide on a humidifier, air cleaner, or tuneup, make sure to give Doc Savage a call today at 706-426-9262.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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